all postcodes in CV5 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV5 9AB 5 5 52.427891 -1.574195
CV5 9AD 2 2 52.41898 -1.559567
CV5 9AE 14 0 52.424185 -1.558966
CV5 9AF 10 3 52.413029 -1.554255
CV5 9AG 6 1 52.434403 -1.611743
CV5 9AJ 2 0 52.418948 -1.57039
CV5 9AL 3 1 52.428185 -1.581178
CV5 9AP 18 1 52.429688 -1.597151
CV5 9AQ 6 0 52.422371 -1.597929
CV5 9AR 13 1 52.430363 -1.600724
CV5 9AS 45 0 52.432516 -1.612069
CV5 9AT 33 0 52.432549 -1.613922
CV5 9AY 31 4 52.433588 -1.612883
CV5 9AZ 13 8 52.433126 -1.603429
CV5 9BA 14 10 52.428323 -1.577044
CV5 9BB 9 1 52.423814 -1.565514
CV5 9BD 13 1 52.424696 -1.568432
CV5 9BE 8 0 52.424877 -1.568798
CV5 9BG 13 0 52.424789 -1.569328
CV5 9BH 27 0 52.425002 -1.57087